November 28th, 2021…

Book news. Isabella, Cassidy, and David’s second story in the town of Unknown is at 38,200ish words out of the 40,000 to 50,000 I prefer my longer stories to have. I might have more to add, but I don’t believe so. I’m self editing it and I have about ten pages left. It’ll be given to the reader after I print out a copy. After, it’ll be off to the editor. I need to make links for the hardbacks since I finished the project of publishing the ones I wanted for my longer stories.

I’ve written 221,000ish words towards my 280,000ish goal.

The free short story where Felia meets Bastet is one I offer my web page. It was the story I gave to those on my mailing list, but I’ve decided I don’t want to do one.

YouTube videos every Sunday, Wednesday, and Friday. TikTok will be posted daily or every other day because they’re not as time consuming. (I didn’t do YouTube today. Taking a break from it.)

Gaming news. No time for gaming this week.

Reading for the week. The cover images are posted on Pinterest.

1) Auntie Mags by Kate Danley is book twelve of her Maggie MacKay Magical Tracker series.

2) Transformations: The New Normal by Wayne and Anne Triskelion is book eleven of their Transformations series.

Personal note: I have a Ko-Fi page if anyone is willing to donate. I’ll use the income towards my writing.

November 21st, 2021…

Book news. Isabella, Cassidy, and David’s second story in the town of Unknown is at 34,600 words out of the 40,000 to 50,000 I prefer my longer stories to have. I have 5,300ish words to reach the word count goal. Most of the hardbacks are done except for two (or one since I plan to do another today.)

I’ve written 218,000ish words towards my 280,000ish goal.

The free short story where Felia meets Bastet is one I offer my web page. It was the story I gave to those on my mailing list, but I’ve decided I don’t want to do one.

YouTube videos every Sunday, Wednesday, and Friday. TikTok will be posted daily or every other day because they’re not as time consuming. (I didn’t do YouTube today. Taking a break from it. Thanksgiving is coming, and it’ll change my schedule.)

Gaming news. I’ve been playing Grow: Song of the Evertree. It’s an interesting game, but I’m struggling on what to do next. I need to find a seed, but it’s not showing me how to get it. Sigh.

Reading for the week. The cover images are posted on Pinterest.

1) Broken Bonds by Keri Arthur is book eight of her Lizzie Grace series.

2) Silent Night by Lily Seabrooke.

Personal note: I have a Ko-Fi page if anyone is willing to donate. I’ll use the income towards my writing.

November 14th, 2021…

Book news. The collection of stories four – six of Dyalessia Games is no longer on preorder and it’s in Kindle Unlimited. Isabella, Cassidy, and David’s second story in the town of Unknown is at 30,600 words out of the 40,000 to 50,000 I prefer my longer stories to have. I have 9kish words to reach the word count goal. There’s about two or scenes I have to write. I have ten hardbacks to finish, which will take me about two weeks. I do another each time Amazon finishes the process.

I’ve written 214,000ish words towards my 280,000ish goal.

The free short story where Felia meets Bastet is one I offer my web page. It was the story I gave to those on my mailing list, but I’ve decided I don’t want to do one.

YouTube videos every Sunday, Wednesday, and Friday. TikTok will be posted daily or every other day because they’re not as time consuming.

Gaming news. I finished Far Cry 6. I disliked the ending. Argh. Frustrating!

Reading for the week. The cover images are posted on Pinterest.

1) Tea Leaves & Tourniquets by Sienna Waters.

Personal note: I have a Ko-Fi page if anyone is willing to donate. I’ll use the income towards my writing.